The annual sports festival was completed with the joint participation of Moishkum Osman Sarwar Primary School and Dakbhanga Non-Govt. Primary School organized by the private service organization ‘Dakbhanga Bangladesh’ education project in the remote hill township of Ramu Upazila Dakbhanga and Moishkum village. On Thursday (February 9, 2023) at ten o’clock in the morning, Mr Abdus Sukkur, vice president of the management committee of the private primary school of Moishkum Osman Sarwar, presided over the opening ceremony of the competition at the playground of Dakbhanga Primary School. The project coordinator of Dakbhanga Bangladesh spoke as the chief guest. Jewel Talukdar. Earlier, the guests formally inaugurated the competition by hoisting the national flag and cutting the ribbon of opening. Gholam Rabbani Khan, administrative officer of Dakbhanga Bangladesh, Nurul Islam, member of the management committee of Moishkum Osman Sarwar Primary School, Amanul Haque, Nurul Amin, Selina Akhtar, Mufizur Rahman, members of the management committee of Dakbhanga Primary School spoke as special guests. Arefa Akter Rifa, head teacher of Dakbhanga Primary School gave a welcome speech on the occasion. Abul Kalam, Headmaster of Moishkum Osman Sarwar Primary School, conducted the program. All concerned people of Dakbhanga Bangladesh and the community thanked the Belgium Team to extended their support from Belgium and to fund the needy families of Dakbhanga and Moishkum community which the students are getting the scope of developing with their full potential.
The sports festival was conducted by assistant teachers Jurmi Barua, Salma Akhtar, Sirajul Islam, Abdul Hamid, Arefa Akhtar, Rabeya Begum, Seuli Rani dey and Marzia Begum.Played a role in entertainment – Saleha Akhtar and Umm Salma, Taiba Akhtar. Speakers on the occasion said that besides education, children should be developed as a healthy nation.Regular sports practice should be continued in every school for the physical and mental development of students.The non-governmental organization Dakbhanga Bangladesh has enlightened these dark, neglected and remote areas by establishing Moishkum Osman Sarwar Primary School and Dakbhanga Primary School in Kawarkhop and adjoining Kachhpia Union of Ramu.In these two schools, along with sports, sports and cultural practices are observed with great importance which will help to make the future of students of the area better and brighter. “Dakbhanga Bangladesh” project coordinator.Jewel Talukder said that in the competition, the students of Moishkum Osman Sarwar Primary School and Dakbhanga Primary School spontaneously participated in 42 competitions in 21 events.In addition, school parents, staff, members of the management committee and secondary-level students (Category-II) of our project participated in 1 event each in a total of 4 competitions.A festive atmosphere spread around the school ground around the sports competition.The whole field is decorated with colourful flowers of paper.
Leaders of the school management committee, dignitaries of the area, parents and students were present on the occasion. It is to be noted that the annual sports and cultural competition and prize distribution of the students of these two schools will be held on February 11 (Saturday), 2023 at the Moishkum Osman Sarwar Primary School ground.