Dakbhanga Bangladesh

Darbhanga Bangladesh (DBD) is a Belgium Based Charity that benefits not only children, but their families, and the communities in which they live. I know the organization for a long time. They are working with the children, especially for developing their education and health facilities. They have ECCD, Pre-primary, Primary Education, Other Education support, Child protection, Humanity and Skills programs. Darbhanga Bangladesh (DBD) successfully attempts to tackle not only education but the improvement of the child right of 0-18 aged children and their family status of them as their best.

I appreciate their program activities very much. They have good relations with local administration, education authorities and with the community people. I am thanking the  Country Representative, Project Coordinator, Administrative Officer, Head Teachers and Asisitant Teachers of their Primary School and all staff to support in continuing the good initiatives for the community with their best effort. The School Management Committees and volunteers are also very supportive of all programs of Dakbhanga.

In the present situation, I want to grab the chance to request the generous sponsors/donors community of developed countries and local authorities to support them to continue their supportive good works for more couple of years.


Md.Barkat Ullah


Dhaka Central Polytechnique Institute (DCPI)

Darus Salam Tower, Mazar Road, Dhaka-1207.